Learning Atlas

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This tutorial series is intended to get you up and running with Atlas. In these tutorials we will assume you have little to no experience in program analysis. If that's true then don't worry! You are about to learn just how powerful you can be when you wield a tool like Atlas! Before we get started, you will want to make sure you are decently familiar with the basic language features of Java. If not you might want to go brush up a bit before moving on to the next sections.


Atlas is a program analysis platform. At its core, Atlas uses a heterogeneous, attributed, directed graph data structure as an abstraction to represent the essential aspects of the program’s syntax and semantics (structure, control flow, and data flow), which are required to reason about software. Atlas constructs this graph from a set of software projects provided by the user. Atlas offers an expressive query language for users to write composable analyzers. Analyzers compute results in the form of subgraphs relevant to the query, which can be visualized. Based on the resulting subgraph, users can issue further queries, possibly involving information beyond specific program artifacts.


  1. Installing Atlas
  2. Atlas Preferences
  3. Indexing Workspace
  4. Atlas Shell
  5. Toolbox Projects

Program Analysis

  1. Basic Queries

Example Applications

Coming Soon.