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Metaclass Annotation
Extends Classifier
Description A Java annotation.
All Superkinds Classifier, Namespace, Type, Node, ModelElement
Specified In Edges

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Classifier InvokedType DynamicCallSite Connects a DynamicCallSite or Invoke node to the declared type of the object whose Method is being invoked.

Supertype Classifier Connects a Classifier to another Classifier that it extends.
Type AliasedType TypeAlias Connects a TypeAlias to the Type or TypeAlias it was declared to duplicate.

ArrayElementType ArrayType 0..1 Connects an ArrayType to the Type of elements contained by arrays of that type.
C:CompletedBy OpaqueType 1 Connects an OpaqueType to the complete definition of the corresponding Type.
ReferencedType Pointer Connects a Pointer to the Type of the data pointed to.
Returns Function Connects a Function to the Type of its return value (which may be Void).
TypeOf Variable Links a Variable or DataFlow node to its Type

DataFlow (Node)
Specified Out Edges

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Classifier HasVariable ProgramVariable Links a Classifier or Package to one of its Variables.

Supertype Classifier Connects a Classifier to another Classifier that it extends.
Type TypeChecked InstanceOf Connects a Type (usually a Classifier) to an InstanceOf test.
Known Possible In Edges

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Node Contains Node 1 Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Known Possible Out Edges

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Namespace HasVariable Variable Links a Classifier or Package to one of its Variables.
Node Contains Node Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.