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Revision as of 16:29, 23 October 2015 by Dgriffen (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Specifications == {{Node | extends = Enumeration, Java:Class | description = Represents a Java enum, which is both an enumeration and a full class. }}")

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Metaclass Enum
Extends EnumerationJava:Class
Description Represents a Java enum, which is both an enumeration and a full class.
All Superkinds Enumeration, Java:Class, Type, Classifier, Node, Namespace, ModelElement
Specified In Edges

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Type AliasedType TypeAlias Connects a TypeAlias to the Type or TypeAlias it was declared to duplicate.

ArrayElementType ArrayType 0..1 Connects an ArrayType to the Type of elements contained by arrays of that type.
C:CompletedBy OpaqueType 1 Connects an OpaqueType to the complete definition of the corresponding Type.
ReferencedType Pointer Connects a Pointer to the Type of the data pointed to.
Returns Function Connects a Function to the Type of its return value (which may be Void).
TypeOf Variable Links a Variable or DataFlow node to its Type

DataFlow (Node)
Classifier InvokedType DynamicCallSite Connects a DynamicCallSite or Invoke node to the declared type of the object whose Method is being invoked.

Supertype Classifier Connects a Classifier to another Classifier that it extends.
Specified Out Edges

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Java:Class Java:AnnotatedWith Java:Annotation Connects a Java element to an annotation on that Java element.

Java:Implements Java:Interface A Supertype relationship between a Java Class and a Java Interface.
Type TypeChecked InstanceOf Connects a Type (usually a Classifier) to an InstanceOf test.
Classifier HasVariable ProgramVariable Links a Classifier or Package to one of its Variables.

Supertype Classifier Connects a Classifier to another Classifier that it extends.
Known Possible In Edges

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Java:Class Java:ThrowsClause Method Indicates a Java Method specifies that it may throw an exception of the indicated type (which must extend java.lang.Throwable).
Node Contains Node 1 Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Known Possible Out Edges

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Node Contains Node Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Namespace HasVariable Variable Links a Classifier or Package to one of its Variables.