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An XCSG Node represents an entity or state in the software being modeled.

All nodes have names, which should be a brief, human-friendly text string representing the node. For nodes representing named software entities, the name will be its name in that namespace.

For other nodes, it will be a brief, human-friendly representation of the type of the node, but need not uniquely identify it. For example, an appropriate name for both the subtraction and negation operators is "-", which makes sense as the label of such a node in a data flow graph.


Metaclass Node
Extends ModelElement
Description Represents an entity or state in the software being modeled.
Direct Subkinds ControlFlow (Node), ControlFlowBlock, DataFlow (Node), Function, Library, Namespace, Project, C:TranslationUnit, Type, TypeAlias, UnrecognizedElement, Variable
All Superkinds ModelElement
Known Possible In Edges
In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Contains Node 1 Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Known Possible Out Edges
Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Contains Node Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Attribute name
Description The name of the element within its Namespace, or a brief, human-readable label.
Type String
Required Yes