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A Method is either a ClassMethod or an InstanceMethod, it is a Function contained in a Classifier.


Metaclass Method
Extends Function
Description A Function associated with a Classifier or an instance of a Classifier.
Direct Subkinds ClassMethod, Constructor, InstanceMethod
All Superkinds Function, Node, ModelElement
Specified In Edges
In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
InvokedSignature DynamicDispatchCallSite Connects a DynamicDispatchCallSite to the definition of the invoked Method of the InvokedType; if the Method is not defined or overridden in the InvokedType, it points to the inherited Method.

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Function Call Function Indicates the possibility of one or more calls to the Function pointed to within the Function that the edge comes from.

InvokedFunction StaticCallSite Connects a StaticCallSite to the exact Function called.
ReadsFunctionAddress Function 1 Connects a Function to a Function that it takes the address of.
Specified Out Edges
Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Java:AnnotatedWith Java:Annotation Connects a Java element to an annotation on that Java element.

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Function Call Function Indicates the possibility of one or more calls to the Function pointed to within the Function that the edge comes from.

HasControlFlow ControlFlow (Node) Connects a Function to any ControlFlow (Node)s it contains.
HasParameter Parameter Connects a Function to a Parameter of that Function.
HasReturnValue ReturnValue 0..1 Connects a (non-void) Function to its MasterReturn node.
ReadsFunctionAddress Function Connects a Function to a Function that it takes the address of.
ReadsVariable InstanceVariable Connects a Function to a InstanceVariable or ProgramVariable that it reads.

Returns Type 1 Connects a Function to the Type of its return value (which may be Void).
Known Possible In Edges

Inherited From In Edge Predecessor Multiplicity Description
Node Contains Node 1 Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Known Possible Out Edges
Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Java:ThrowsClause Java:Class Indicates a Java Method specifies that it may throw an exception of the indicated type (which must extend java.lang.Throwable).

Inherited From Out Edge Successor Multiplicity Description
Node Contains Node Indicates that the predecessor contains the successor in a sense specified by the specific type of Contains edge.
Tag abstractMethod
Description Present if the method is unimplemented, in which case it must be contained in an Interface or abstractClass.
Tag java.finalMethod
Description Present if the method may not be overriden by subtypes of the class in which the method is found
Tag java.lambdaMethod
Description Indicates that a method corresponds to a lambda or method reference expression.
Tag java.defaultMethod
Description Indicates that a method defines a default implementation for an interface.
Tag java.synchronizedMethod
Description Indicates that a method is synchronized by locking on the instance it was called on (for an InstanceMethod), or, in the case of a ClassMethod, that it locks on the associated Class object.
Tag java.nativeMethod
Description Indicates that a method's implementation is provided in another language, typically C or C++, via the Java Native Interface (JNI).